Website launch in University SDG Week

SDG Cubes

11am Monday 16th September 2024

J.E Cairnes School of Business and Economics SDG Mapping Project Website Launch, Sustainability Reporting Update and poster exhibition

Hybrid event

Venue: Room CA110 Whitaker Room, Cairnes Building and posters in the Foyer of Cairnes Building


J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics are delighted to welcome Dr. Richard Manton Director of Sustainability at University of Galway to launch the SDG Mapping Project Showcase website. We invite anyone with an interest in the SDGs to join in the conversation. Our aim is to use the website to support new conversations about key themes and explore how we can create more impact: one of the key aims of the website is to facilitate new collaborations, and this event aims to discover potential routes in this regard.

As a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), we will take the opportunity to share our progress and reporting requirements regarding the SDGs and sustainability. Tea and coffee served.

Please Register here

Open to all

The School of Business and Economics will also showcase the impactful work of our students through an SDG Poster Exhibition in the foyer of the Cairnes Building from Monday to Thursday of SDG Week.