Mary Barrett

Lecturer in Accountancy & Finance

J.E. Cairnes School of Business and Economics, University of Galway

white clouds and blue skies

Mary's work focuses on the emergence and evolution of management accounting systems and practices in SMEs. Her case study work examines how organisations navigate volatility, uncertainty and crisis and how accounting information and advisers support control and decision making. Mary's research interest is informed by her own experiences working as a professional accountant in the SME sector and research into the provision of advisory services by accounting firms to SME clients. In addition, Mary is a member of the University of Galway Health and Wellbeing Committee and has published research on the topic of Occupational Stress.

Mary's work contributes to these SDGs

SDG 3,4,5,8,9,12,16,17

As a member of the scientific committee of the European Network for Research in Organisational and Accounting Change, Mary co-chaired the 10th anniversary ENROAC conference in 2015 at University of Galway, welcoming international academics and practitioners to discuss all issues relating to organisational and accounting change and in particular, the conference theme: In search of Competitiveness and Sustainable Value: Designing Accounting practices to manage Business and Social Innovation.

Key Target: 4.4 Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success



Financial Reporting and Management Accounting Mary's teaching focuses on Financial Reporting and Management Accounting at undergraduate and postgraduate levels for students of business, law, accounting, finance, arts, engineering and science. Mary's interest in SMEs informs her teaching as she encourages students to consider the practical application of accounting concepts in an SME setting.

Contributing to SDG Targets: 4.4 Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success, 4.7 Education for sustainable development and global citizenship; 8.1 Sustainable economic growth; 12.6 Encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and sustainability reporting

Mary is very focused on student and staff health and wellbeing issues and has been nominated for the President's Award for Excellence in Teaching and repeatedly nominated for the Dean's Award for Inclusive Teaching at University of Galway.

Contributing to Target: 3.4 Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health

Technology in Teaching Mary is particularly interested in technology developments and has participated in the delivery of the KPMG-led Analytics Summer School entitled Audit and Accounting in the 21st Century: Data & Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Related Technological Tools and the University of Galway/UI Path Disruptive Technologies in Accounting and Finance Summer School. She also encourages the use of technology in her teaching of financial accounting through the use of accounting software (Quickbooks) for teaching and assessment.

Contributing to SDG Targets: 4.6 Universal literacy and numeracy; 8.2 Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity

Placement Mary works with the Placement Office and employers to support students on placement on our MSc Corporate Finance programme.

Contributing to SDG Targets: 8.6 Promote youth employment, education and training; 5.5 Ensure full participation in leadership and decision-making


Mary represents University of Galway as a council member of the Irish Accounting and Finance Association (an academic organisation whose aim is to promote high-quality research and teaching of accounting, finance and related subjects, particularly in the Irish third-level education sector). She has also been an invited guest speaker at Chartered Accountants Ireland, CPA Ireland and CIMA Members in Practice CPD events and practitioner conferences relating to her SME and SMP expertise.

SDG 9.2 Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization

person using MacBook pro

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Direct impact SDG Targets

3.4 - Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health

4.4 - Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success

4.6 - Universal literacy and numeracy

4.7 - Education for sustainable development and global citizenship

5.5 - Ensure full participation in leadership and decision-making

8.1 - Sustainable economic growth

8.6 - Promote youth employment, education and training


8.2 - Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity

8.3 - Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises

8.4 - Improve resource efficiency in consumption and production

8.10 - Universal access to banking, insurance and financial services

9.2 - Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization

9.3 - Increase access to financial services and markets

12.6 - Encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and sustainability reporting

16.6 - Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions

17.1 - Mobilize resources to improve domestic revenue collection

17.6 - Knowledge sharing and cooperation for access to science, technology and innovation

SDG wheel


a city square with flowers and a clock tower in the background

Photo by Daniel Zbroja on Unsplash

Photo by Daniel Zbroja on Unsplash

Featured Publications

Mary's research focuses on all aspects of accounting in SMEs. Currently she is focused on the emergence and evolution of management accounting rules and routines in SME organisations as they navigate growth and crisis. Mary has undertaken historical retrospective case study research to gain an in-depth understanding of the organisational setting. Contributing to SDG Targets 8.4, 8.6 and 8.10.

Mary is also interested in Health and Wellbeing issues and has published research on the leading causes and potential consequences of occupational stress in Irish Trainee Accountants. Contributing to SDG Target 3.4.

Best Paper Award, Accounting, Finance and Corporate Governance Track, Irish Academy of Management (2015)



Kelly, T., Barrett, M. (2011), The Leading Causes and Potential Consequences of Occupational Stress - A Study of Irish Trainee Accountants. Irish Accounting Review.


Doran, M. (2006). Bean Counter or Business Adviser? An Exploratory Study of Changing Times for the Accounting Practitioner in Ireland. Irish Accounting Review.

9.3; 16.3

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